Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Singapore Food Hunting


it's been a long day since this blog updated
cause i got not only a lot of stuffs to do but also a hindrance to update it, so i will update this blog when i got time.
okay then,
 last 3 month acutally on july, i went to singapore alone to discard a stress.
I thought it was fun, apparently it was so lonely to be alone (?) LOL
Neverthless, i still continued my foodhunt, since then i hv started capture food with my Dslr.

I'm gonna show you a lot of picture that i've choosen.
these all kind of photos were taken manually with no effect or edit on it.

you guys should leave a comment or send a feedback about my photos!
And also there are some well known and unique restaurant in singapore. 

Here you go !

Din Dai Fung

Streats at Rws

Five and Dime Eatery

 Food Republic at Vivo City

Tiong Bahru Bakery

Zen & Herbivore Japanese Restaurant

llao llao at 313 Somerset

Photo by :Cedric Suria
Criticis and Suggestion, LINE : cedricsuria
Have a Good Day !!!


Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Valentine's Set Menu

Hello everybody !!!
first post of the year
i got a lot of school's stuffs to do and i need to cope all of it
sorry that i always procrastinate to post something on my blog, my bad.

Anyway as the title says "Valentine's"
you guys knows it, aren't you?
Valentine's Day, also known as Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is a celebration observed on 14th of February every year. it is celebrated in many countries around the world, especially Indonesia.

There was so many couples that we could saw on the restaurant or cafe on Valentine's Day
the sad thing is when you got no couple, pitty on you...
hahahahahahahah !!!!!
included me *uhmmm*

So, i'm goin to demonstrate you the set menu for valentine's
actually , this is well known menu that i ever make.
but, there are something's new
so check it out !

Set A
Sweet 14 roll
  • Sweet 14 roll
  • Creamy pumpkin soup
Main Course
  • Canelloni
  • Pinky pudding

Creamy pumpkin soup


Pinky pudding
Piccasso roll

Set B
  • Piccasso roll
  • Mushroom soup
Main Course
  • Mushroom lasagna
  • Oreo truffle
Mushroom soup
Mushroom lasagna
Oreo truffle

Marshmallow with strawberry chocolate compound
Photo by : hans tjua
Criticis and Suggestion, LINE : cedricsuria
thanks !!!

Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Jakarta Food Hunting

Hi my foodies friends !
sorry i've been so long
 so today im gonna show you some food that i hunted on jakarta.
exactly on GI , Grand Indonesia Plaza on level 2
there is a bar called Social House
and also their food was so good and you guys should try it
then , one more restaurant called Din Dai Fung , it is chinese restaurant.

Cheesy Mushroom Pizza with Honey

                                             Risotto with fresh chopped bell          

Creammy Corn Soup

                                                                  Canelloni with tomatoes

                                                              Strawberry Rainbow Moctail

Fresh brocoli with white egg
Photo by : Cedric suria
Criticis and Suggestion LINE : cedricsuria
thank you !!

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2014

Ravioli Goat Cheese and Risotto

Hello !
back again.. 

last 2 post i have shown you Italian food , Lasagne and cannelloni with richota cheese
and also today i'm gonna show you Ravioli and Risotto
maybe i should explain to you what kinds of food they are?

Risotto is a north italian rice dish cooked with broth to creamy consistency, the broth may be based on fish meat or vegetables. many types of risotto contains butter, wine, onion and mushroom . Risotto in italy is actually a first course before the main course, maybe like appetizer but i'm not sure.

Ravioli are a traditional type of italian food, they are similar to dumpling but the skin is using the egg pasta dough and are served either in broth or a pasta sauce.

and one more menu i make for you guys called Potato pasta, this pasta is from mashed potato and egg , then you grill it with butter

Ravioli Goat Cheese

Mushroom Risotto

Potato Pasta
 photo by : Cedric suria
Criticis and Suggestion , LINE : cedricsuria
enjoy it!
Thankyou very much !!!

Sabtu, 06 September 2014

Bean Curd Steak

Hello everybodyyyy!!
i'm backk..

Today i'm gonna discuss western food,
there are many kind of western food like , steak, spaghetti, burgers etc
and today's menu that i wanna show you is bean curd steak.
actually bean curd steak was in asian section but, i change the garnish and plating a little bit
so it become western style.

and there was carbonara sauce on the top of the bean curd steak,
 served with chopped romanian parsley and two kinds of nuts
peanuts and macadamia nuts
Macadamia is a genus of four species of tree indigenous to Australia and constituting part of the plant family.
these two nuts i crushed it into pieces so there are no more intact shape.
perhaps next time i'll show you the whole shape
also, this bean curd steak made of tofu skin

you guys must be curious right?
i'll gonna show you the photo
let's go..

  Photo by : Cedric suria
Criticis and suggestion , LINE: cedricsuria
hope you guys enjoy it
Thank you very much!!!

Minggu, 17 Agustus 2014

Waffle Ovomaltin

Good afternoon every body !!!
sorry for late post again
i have just come back from my vacation so i'm very sorry..
and today gonna show you what i ate 3 month ago.
it was a dessert, a waffle,
called Waffle ovomaltin and 1 other menu was dessert also a dessert
called Banana Oreo. usually Banana Oreo is cake
but this Banana oreo is different and unique.
so you guys must be hungry when you see these desserts, and i'll show you the drinks too.
let's look at the photosYEAHHH

Waffle Ovomaltin

Banana Oreo and Vanilla Ice Cream

 Sparkling Passion Fuit Mocktail
Photo by : Cedric Suria
at Portico Jakarta
Criticis and Suggestions, LINE: cedricsuria
will soon post about my latest vacation in New Zealand.
Thank you very much!!